sábado, julio 11

This is what I call sweet

Soemtimes I don't know somethings..
But I have just learned to let it flow.
It's better that way.

Ever since we are together
I care much more.
I notice things that I had never cared for before.

I feel different. I like me better now.
He really makes me wanna grow and I don't even feel it,
not as yestarday when it was so hard. Now things flow,
love makes them flow.

It's good to know that everything's way easier
when you've got love, commitment and trust aside.

Now I can relate to a past that made me be this person
who can fall crazy in love at this time
and enjoy every minute of it.
I can also write my future in babysteps,
knowing that bigger things await, but that we have
all the time in the world to figure them out.

It's good to know he's the one.

2 comentarios:

canito dijo...

que se dice en estos casos???
Same, same but...SAME

algo de musica:
Julian plenti
The Dodos
Local Natives
Bon Iver (glastonbury)

Carly the Beat dijo...


músicaaaa yeeey.
La mejor respuesta que me puedes dar.